Our Sourdough Starter!
The basement of Pane e Salute where the sourdough was retrieved!
Pane e Salute
What is sourdough starter?
Just as you need air to breathe, sourdough bread needs starter to come alive! Sourdough starter, also called levain, is equal parts flour and water that has fermented with the natural yeast found in the air. The starter is the part of the sourdough that allows it to rise so beautifully and gives it a very distinct and delicious taste. Sourdough was given it’s name due to the “sour” taste after the bread is baked! It is very important that sourdough starter is “fed” (with more flour and water) and is at it’s strongest when adding to a recipe.
The History of our Sourdough Starter
As we started our journey into the baking world, we’ve had a lot of support and encouragement from family, friends and the Heartwood Coffee customers (which yes, we consider you all family too!). It is in the depths of the bakery’s bones to originate everything we make from scratch in the most purest, original form possible. Our Sourdough is made from only flour, salt, and water. The beautiful rise and perfect fermentation lies within our natural, from-the-air yeast that was brought to us far, far from Ohio.
There is a special customer of Heartwood that offered us something so unique from so far away. A piece of Italy’s own 500+ year old starter, from Pane e Salute and given to her by a man that goes by Angelo Di Biccari. As both partners of Heartwood (Jim and Kate) come from an Italian family, they really hold this close to their hearts as their great grandparents ventured to the United States from Italy.
Heartwood Baking Company currently uses this starter in all their Sourdough and will continue the tradition of the 70 plus year old starter for years to come. We hope that when you bite into our sourdough, a little piece of Italy and the kindness this customer shared with us, stays with you. We are so grateful we can pay it forward and give you all some of the best, from scratch sourdough we have to offer!